Who you going to believe?
What you are not being told and what is falsely being stated is that the body count is lower than expected. We did not believe that. We want to, but we don't. I have no joy or aganda in saying that. But what the media, CNN, FOX, CBS, NBC and ABC are reporting is not accurate.
Why do I know that to be true?
We are not doing body recovery. The military is not. Contractors have been hired to do that. We are still looking for people who are alive and dead. We are marking houses as to the living and the dead. We are also only going into homes that are open. Any house with closed doors and windows we are not entering. Only the police have authority to enter the latter. So the body count is lower than expected, gratefully, because the houses and homes that are open have no one in them. They have already left or died outside in the flood. We don't know. We will never know.
The mood among the troops is that this is going to be much worse than reported.
We as Americans seem to always want to hope for good news, support the underdog, rally 'round the flag. The is only Day 12 or so. The water is still high. Most of the homes have not been entered. A chaplain's job is also to speak the unspeakable; not out of anger or hate or hurt, but "to go there," to talk to the elephant in the room.
I hope and pray I am wrong...
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