Saturday, September 03, 2005

Emergency Medical Credential...

While on duty this afternoon one of our ICU nurses informs me that she is going to New Orleans to help with disaster relief. My initial reaction is utter joy, then jealousy (I want to go!), but then quickly followed by happiness. In her hands is her Emergency Medical Credential form to complete and fax to officials in La and Mississippi to approve and then she is on her way.

"Maggie, I don't know what your tradition is, but if I can take a risk I would like to bless your work and lay my hands on you and offer a blessing because you are doing the Lord's work."

Tears trickle down her face..."I feel so blessed to go. I wish I could do more."

"You honor your call and you honor us. I feel so proud that you are going. Please know we are going with you!"

"Thank you, chaplain. I love my work here, but I know this will make a difference."

Go in peace with God's speed Maggie.


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