Friday, September 09, 2005

Spiritual Care and TV Land

I have no agenda in patient visit mainly because the visit and care is not about me. Plus, I never know what I am going to encounter from the patient and/or their family. Patients come to the
hospital for a large variety of the reasons. Some come because they are really sick ("you have to earn(sic) way in the hospital."). Some come because of elective surgeries and require care. Many come because of lifestyle related medical conditions; i.e., smoking, alcohol, drugs. Some come because of tradegy: car accident, natural disaster, etc. Some come because of violence: domestic, criminal, you get the drift. Plus, there are many more reasons. Assessing a patient's spiritual needs in relation to their beliefs and values is interesting, subjective, fluid work. But what I encountered yesterday rates as off the chart.

I walk into a senior lady's room and before I can finish introducing myself she states "If Highway to Heaven (TV show) doesn't come on that TV soon I am going to leave. I want my channel 53. I can't find channel 53. My TV at home has it; how come I don't have it here in the hospital?"

"Ma'am, we have that channel on our TV and I am sure Highway to Heaven will eventually be on."

"You had better be right or I'm leaving!"

"Yes, ma'am!"



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