Thursday, December 08, 2005

Chaplain heal thyself!

So I read a lot. On my home page I have a newsfeeder of medical stories since I work in the medical field. So I read cutting edge stories of medical breakthrough's that are 10 years out....think back 10 years...don't you wonder if any of those things they said then actually happened.

Particularly after the Vioxx(Merck) disclosure today that they hid information, AKA, tainted their
research and covered up their results....I think that's a crime, but I'm only the chaplain and what do I know? Ethics, maybe? But I digress...

So after reading an article on C-dif in the New York Times, freaking over MSRA and VRE I have been watching the color of urine output, every burp is a kidney get the drift.

So in Rounds, with the Inter-Displinary Team, I tell our Doctor, "I killing myself!" That gets his attention. I've learned that Doctor needs something BIG to grab them. I mean exactly broken toes can you stand to look at? He turns toward me and says "What?" I tell my sad story again.

"That's the second year of medical school. In the second year we learned about DISEASES and all of a sudden every student is dying, every cough is pneumonia, every zit is a tumor."

The Nurse Manager adds "that happens in Nursing school too."

Seeking to re-focus the conversation on me I ask "So what do I do?"

Doctor: "In all the years I have been a Doctor (and it's been a few) I can count on one hand the number of times a patient has passed on their illness to me and then it's usually pink eye! The number one thing to do is wash your hands ("I do that!!"). OK, then it's simple."

"Great, what should I do?"

"Stop reading!"


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