Thursday, October 06, 2005

"Just sign the document and ask God for forgiveness."

Saw the new movie Just like Heaven yesterday. Again, evidence of how spirituality is replacing religion in our world.

The scene that stood out for me was a Doctor, a colleague of the heroine supposedly, with the bedside manner of a tree frog, (sadly not that unknown or unheard of) is recommending the family of the patient consider signing a DNR. A DNR is hospital talk for a DO NOT RESUSITATE document that allows and directs the medical team to not go to 'extraordinary measures' to save a life when the diagnosis is terminal. More often than not, the conversation centers around quality of life issues and, short of a miracle(though hardly any doctor would use that term) the patient is not going to survive the illness and/or disease they are battling.

DNR's are discussed and signed and not signed every day in every hospital. It is considered a compassionate, caring act.

Except in this movie.

The Doctor hands the document to the patients' sister and says, "Just sign the document and ask God for forgiveness."

The statement is so empty of any moral value it doesn't even need a comment.

"Just sign the document and ask God for forgiveness."


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