Sunday, September 18, 2005

Favorite patient of the Week

It is counter intuitive to even think that a chaplain would quantify or qualify patients as favorite or least favorite or avoid if possible. Duh! This is not that. This is just a patient and her husband that made my day and still puts a smile on my face.

"Good afternoon, I'm the chaplain. I was wondering if I could visit with you for a while?"

"You're the chaplain? Com'on in. We are not happy and you're exactly who we need to talk to!"

Uh'oh I think to my stay, like a lamb being led to the slaughtor. Being the proud little chaplain I am I keep moving towrds the patient and sit down on the bed near them.

"How can I help you?"

"Well, you need to tell someone or maybe WE'LL JUST TELL YOU! They have 20 minutes to come see me or I am going to leave!!"

"Ma'am, I think I missed something. Can you tell me what is happening?"

"I came here this morning because I might have had a heart attack and I've been here for 3 hours and they have 20 more minutes and then we are leaving."

"You might have had a heart attack?"

"Maybe. Chaplain, I have a life you know and we have plans. So could you tell someone to get that doctor and get him in here to check me out, so I can go home. I have a life and we've got plans tonight." HEr husband adds: "That's right. We just don't sit in the house and do nothing you know!"

I check my census and see that the patient is 97 years old and clearly alert and active. I start to smile and hold back a laugh on amazement.

"If can be very frustrating when you feel that the care team is ignoring you."

"That's right! It is frustrating. I'm 97 years old. I don't know how many years I have left, but I am NOT SPENDING them here waiting! I mean, I drove myself here last night and I can drive myself home."

"Yes, ma'am I am sure you could. I would hope you would not do that, but I am sure you could...Ma'am, did you say that you drove yourself here last night?"

"Yes, I did." She says matter of factly. "I started having chest pains; called my doctor and he told me to go to the Emergency Room to be checked out. So I drove myself here."

"How did your husband get here?"

"He drove himself later after they admitted me." Now I am laughing lightly in shock and adoration and fear, thinking to myself exactly what am I going to tell a 97 year old lady to do or not do. "Just because I am 97 does not mean I don't have a life!"

"No ma'am. "

"My husband is 97 years old, though I am older than him." "By six months" he adds. "That's right!" she counters.

"You are telling me that both 97 years old and both drive and have an active life."

"Yes, we do and we re not spending it here!"

"God bless you both. I'll talk to your nurse and inform them as to the situation."

"Thank you chaplain. you have been very helpful."

"You're welcome. Have a great day." I know you have made mine. I say to myself...


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